GPS Coordinate of

Arroyo Naranjo Cuba

Central address: Unnamed Road, La Habana, Cuba

Elevation: 64.000
Time Zone: America/Havana

Latitude: 23° 1' 4.9188'' N
Longitude: 82° 20' 3.6168'' W

Arroyo Naranjo is one of the 15 municipalities or boroughs (municipios in Spanish) in the city of Havana, Cuba. It became part of Havana city while the capital grew.

GPS coordinate of Arroyo Naranjo, Cuba

The latitude of Arroyo Naranjo is 23.018033, and the longitude is -82.334338. Arroyo Naranjo is a city is located at Cuba with the gps coordinates of 23° 1' 4.9188'' N and 82° 20' 3.6168'' W. The elevation of Arroyo Naranjo is 64.000, the time zone is America/Havana.

Elevation64.000DMS Lat23° 1' 4.9188'' N
DMS Lng82° 20' 3.6168'' WGeoHASHdhj6yqmcyb7g5
UTM Zone17QUTM Easting363264.328230808
UTM Northing2546138.33896382Time ZoneAmerica/Havana
CountryCubaCountry Code53