Central address: Unnamed Road, Dilling, Sudan
Elevation: 685.314
Time Zone: Africa/Khartoum
Latitude: 12° 3' 9.8064'' N
Longitude: 29° 39' 20.5596'' E
The latitude of As Sūkī is 12.052724, and the longitude is 29.655711. As Sūkī is a city is located at Sudan with the gps coordinates of 12° 3' 9.8064'' N and 29° 39' 20.5596'' E. The elevation of As Sūkī is 685.314, the time zone is Africa/Khartoum.
Latitude | 12.052724 | Longitude | 29.655711 |
Elevation | 685.314 | DMS Lat | 12° 3' 9.8064'' N |
DMS Lng | 29° 39' 20.5596'' E | GeoHASH | sdjhdf4shnsg5 |
UTM Zone | 35P | UTM Easting | 789137.02472813 |
UTM Northing | 1333783.28349149 | Time Zone | Africa/Khartoum |
Country | Sudan | Country Code | 249 |