GPS Coordinate of

Baku Azerbaijan

Central address: 75 Ağa Neymətulla, Bakı, Azerbaijan

Elevation: 23.357
Time Zone: Asia/Baku

Latitude: 40° 24' 33.3432'' N
Longitude: 49° 52' 1.5312'' E


GPS coordinate of Baku, Azerbaijan

The latitude of Baku is 40.409262, and the longitude is 49.867092. Baku is a city is located at Azerbaijan with the gps coordinates of 40° 24' 33.3432'' N and 49° 52' 1.5312'' E. The elevation of Baku is 23.357, the time zone is Asia/Baku.

Elevation23.357DMS Lat40° 24' 33.3432'' N
DMS Lng49° 52' 1.5312'' EGeoHASHtp5myu2152qv4
UTM Zone39TUTM Easting403873.932773549
UTM Northing4473798.78780825Time ZoneAsia/Baku
CountryAzerbaijanCountry Code994