GPS Coordinate of

Busia Kenya

Central address: Kisumu - Busia Rd, Busia, Kenya

Elevation: 1222.559
Time Zone: Africa/Kampala

Latitude: 0° 27' 38.7684'' N
Longitude: 34° 6' 41.2632'' E

Busia may refer to the following:

GPS coordinate of Busia, Kenya

The latitude of Busia is 0.460769, and the longitude is 34.111462. Busia is a city is located at Kenya with the gps coordinates of 0° 27' 38.7684'' N and 34° 6' 41.2632'' E. The elevation of Busia is 1222.559, the time zone is Africa/Kampala.

Elevation1222.559DMS Lat0° 27' 38.7684'' N
DMS Lng34° 6' 41.2632'' EGeoHASHsb0685zhnttd5
UTM Zone36NUTM Easting623681.50641832
UTM Northing50938.5885277537Time ZoneAfrica/Kampala
CountryKenyaCountry Code254