Central address: 130, Checca, Peru
Elevation: 3868.771
Time Zone: America/Lima
Latitude: 14° 28' 35.4936'' S
Longitude: 71° 23' 44.8692'' W
Checca may refer to:
The latitude of Checca is -14.476526, and the longitude is -71.395797. Checca is a city is located at Peru with the gps coordinates of 14° 28' 35.4936'' S and 71° 23' 44.8692'' W. The elevation of Checca is 3868.771, the time zone is America/Lima.
Latitude | -14.476526 | Longitude | -71.395797 |
Elevation | 3868.771 | DMS Lat | 14° 28' 35.4936'' S |
DMS Lng | 71° 23' 44.8692'' W | GeoHASH | 6mmjxkehj7gnw |
UTM Zone | 19L | UTM Easting | 241751.413150618 |
UTM Northing | 8398220.49206986 | Time Zone | America/Lima |
Country | Peru | Country Code | 51 |