GPS Coordinate of

Chibuto Mozambique

Central address: Unnamed Road, Chibuto, Mozambique

Elevation: 99.505
Time Zone: Africa/Maputo

Latitude: 24° 41' 48.1236'' S
Longitude: 33° 32' 41.3088'' E

Chibuto is a city located in the province of Gaza in Mozambique, about 200 km north of the capital, Maputo. It is the principal city of Chibuto District and is served by Chibuto Airport.

GPS coordinate of Chibuto, Mozambique

The latitude of Chibuto is -24.696701, and the longitude is 33.544808. Chibuto is a city is located at Mozambique with the gps coordinates of 24° 41' 48.1236'' S and 33° 32' 41.3088'' E. The elevation of Chibuto is 99.505, the time zone is Africa/Maputo.

Elevation99.505DMS Lat24° 41' 48.1236'' S
DMS Lng33° 32' 41.3088'' EGeoHASHkexge24e69mb0
UTM Zone36JUTM Easting555111.35350066
UTM Northing7268526.06959343Time ZoneAfrica/Maputo
CountryMozambiqueCountry Code258