Central address: Jl. Bubutan, Gn. Samarinda, Balikpapan Utara, Kota Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur 76124, Indonesia
Elevation: 17.326
Time Zone: Asia/Makassar
Latitude: 1° 14' 16.5372'' S
Longitude: 116° 51' 10.2708'' E
The latitude of City of Balikpapan is -1.237927, and the longitude is 116.852853. City of Balikpapan is a city is located at Indonesia with the gps coordinates of 1° 14' 16.5372'' S and 116° 51' 10.2708'' E. The elevation of City of Balikpapan is 17.326, the time zone is Asia/Makassar.
Latitude | -1.237927 | Longitude | 116.852853 |
Elevation | 17.326 | DMS Lat | 1° 14' 16.5372'' S |
DMS Lng | 116° 51' 10.2708'' E | GeoHASH | qxg0gn9sscdmy |
UTM Zone | 50M | UTM Easting | 483629.667229448 |
UTM Northing | 9863170.87208376 | Time Zone | Asia/Makassar |
Country | Indonesia | Country Code | 62 |