GPS Coordinate of

Conchopata Peru

Central address: Amancaes 483, Ayacucho, Peru

Elevation: 2724.446
Time Zone: America/Lima

Latitude: 13° 9' 40.4748'' S
Longitude: 74° 12' 54.8388'' W

Qunchupata (Quechua qunchu muddy, pata step, bank of a river, "muddy step" or "muddy bank", hispanicized spelling Conchupata) is a mountain in the Andes of Peru, about 5,100 metres (16,732 ft) high. It is located in the Junín Region, Yauli Province, Marcapomacocha District, and in the Lima Region, Huarochirí Province, Chicla District. Qunchupata lies southwest of Anta Q'asa and Quriqucha and southeast of Yana Ulla. It is situated north of the Hatun Uqhu valley (Quechua for "big swamp", hispanicized Jatun Ogo).

GPS coordinate of Conchopata, Peru

The latitude of Conchopata is -13.161243, and the longitude is -74.215233. Conchopata is a city is located at Peru with the gps coordinates of 13° 9' 40.4748'' S and 74° 12' 54.8388'' W. The elevation of Conchopata is 2724.446, the time zone is America/Lima.

Elevation2724.446DMS Lat13° 9' 40.4748'' S
DMS Lng74° 12' 54.8388'' WGeoHASH6mejphn45wrr7
UTM Zone18LUTM Easting585048.65307997
UTM Northing8544900.61760684Time ZoneAmerica/Lima
CountryPeruCountry Code51