GPS Coordinate of

Contramaestre Cuba

Central address: Carr. Central de Cuba, Contramaestre, Cuba

Elevation: 109.651
Time Zone: America/Havana

Latitude: 20° 18' 2.1528'' N
Longitude: 76° 14' 31.6284'' W

Contramaestre (Spanish for "boatswain") is a Cuban town and municipality in the Santiago de Cuba Province.

GPS coordinate of Contramaestre, Cuba

The latitude of Contramaestre is 20.300598, and the longitude is -76.242119. Contramaestre is a city is located at Cuba with the gps coordinates of 20° 18' 2.1528'' N and 76° 14' 31.6284'' W. The elevation of Contramaestre is 109.651, the time zone is America/Havana.

Elevation109.651DMS Lat20° 18' 2.1528'' N
DMS Lng76° 14' 31.6284'' WGeoHASHd79g3pd5tcg85
UTM Zone18QUTM Easting370308.41442691
UTM Northing2245234.06004687Time ZoneAmerica/Havana
CountryCubaCountry Code53