Central address: Am Markt 4, 25840 Friedrichstadt, Germany
Elevation: 3.209
Time Zone: Europe/Berlin
Latitude: 54° 22' 33.6432'' N
Longitude: 9° 5' 22.8048'' E
The latitude of Friedrichstadt is 54.376012, and the longitude is 9.089668. Friedrichstadt is a city is located at Germany with the gps coordinates of 54° 22' 33.6432'' N and 9° 5' 22.8048'' E. The elevation of Friedrichstadt is 3.209, the time zone is Europe/Berlin.
Latitude | 54.376012 | Longitude | 9.089668 |
Elevation | 3.209 | DMS Lat | 54° 22' 33.6432'' N |
DMS Lng | 9° 5' 22.8048'' E | GeoHASH | u1wmqffghx7dn |
UTM Zone | 32U | UTM Easting | 505824.730140119 |
UTM Northing | 6025361.7358499 | Time Zone | Europe/Berlin |
Country | Germany | Country Code | 49 |