GPS Coordinate of

Galátista Greece

Central address: 25is Martiou, Galatista 630 73, Greece

Elevation: 439.307
Time Zone: Europe/Athens

Latitude: 40° 28' 4.9152'' N
Longitude: 23° 16' 45.8544'' E

GPS coordinate of Galátista, Greece

The latitude of Galátista is 40.468032, and the longitude is 23.279404. Galátista is a city is located at Greece with the gps coordinates of 40° 28' 4.9152'' N and 23° 16' 45.8544'' E. The elevation of Galátista is 439.307, the time zone is Europe/Athens.

Elevation439.307DMS Lat40° 28' 4.9152'' N
DMS Lng23° 16' 45.8544'' EGeoHASHsx0w1wzx37vtz
UTM Zone34TUTM Easting693242.143578223
UTM Northing4482201.56098538Time ZoneEurope/Athens
CountryGreeceCountry Code30