GPS Coordinate of

Garissa Kenya

Central address: Garissa-Dadaab Road, Garissa, Kenya

Elevation: 146.988
Time Zone: Africa/Nairobi

Latitude: 0° 27' 11.6244'' S
Longitude: 39° 38' 45.9564'' E

Garissa (Somali: Gaarisa) is the capital of Garissa County, Kenya. It is situated in the former North Eastern Province.

GPS coordinate of Garissa, Kenya

The latitude of Garissa is -0.453229, and the longitude is 39.646099. Garissa is a city is located at Kenya with the gps coordinates of 0° 27' 11.6244'' S and 39° 38' 45.9564'' E. The elevation of Garissa is 146.988, the time zone is Africa/Nairobi.

Elevation146.988DMS Lat0° 27' 11.6244'' S
DMS Lng39° 38' 45.9564'' EGeoHASHkzujqjmrtpfpd
UTM Zone37MUTM Easting571894.05308111
UTM Northing9949901.25010336Time ZoneAfrica/Nairobi
CountryKenyaCountry Code254