GPS Coordinate of

Guantánamo Cuba

Central address: Ramón Pinto, Guantánamo, Cuba

Elevation: 49.764
Time Zone: America/New_York

Latitude: 20° 8' 24.0324'' N
Longitude: 75° 12' 46.44'' W

Guantánamo (Spanish: [ɡwanˈtanamo]) is a municipality and city in southeast Cuba and capital of Guantánamo Province.

GPS coordinate of Guantánamo, Cuba

The latitude of Guantánamo is 20.140009, and the longitude is -75.212900. Guantánamo is a city is located at Cuba with the gps coordinates of 20° 8' 24.0324'' N and 75° 12' 46.44'' W. The elevation of Guantánamo is 49.764, the time zone is America/New_York.

Elevation49.764DMS Lat20° 8' 24.0324'' N
DMS Lng75° 12' 46.44'' WGeoHASHd7dd86rsh3ucm
UTM Zone18QUTM Easting477749.264371819
UTM Northing2226989.17161066Time ZoneAmerica/New_York
CountryCubaCountry Code53