GPS Coordinate of

Havelu Tonga

Central address: Taufa'ahau Rd, Nuku'alofa, Tonga

Elevation: 5.459
Time Zone: Pacific/Tongatapu

Latitude: 21° 8' 57.2892'' S
Longitude: 175° 12' 44.2296'' W

Havelu is a commune in the Eure-et-Loir department in northern France.

GPS coordinate of Havelu, Tonga

The latitude of Havelu is -21.149247, and the longitude is -175.212286. Havelu is a city is located at Tonga with the gps coordinates of 21° 8' 57.2892'' S and 175° 12' 44.2296'' W. The elevation of Havelu is 5.459, the time zone is Pacific/Tongatapu.

Elevation5.459DMS Lat21° 8' 57.2892'' S
DMS Lng175° 12' 44.2296'' WGeoHASH2h5rsvyk9yd73
UTM Zone1KUTM Easting685631.685263486
UTM Northing7660289.20686592Time ZonePacific/Tongatapu
CountryTongaCountry Code676