GPS Coordinate of

Kakamega Kenya

Central address: Kakamega Clock, Kakamega, Kenya

Elevation: 1561.129
Time Zone: Africa/Kampala

Latitude: 0° 16' 57.8316'' N
Longitude: 34° 45' 6.7068'' E

Kakamega is a town in western Kenya lying about 30 km north of the Equator. It is the headquarters of Kakamega County. The town has a population of 99,987 (2009 census).

GPS coordinate of Kakamega, Kenya

The latitude of Kakamega is 0.282731, and the longitude is 34.751863. Kakamega is a city is located at Kenya with the gps coordinates of 0° 16' 57.8316'' N and 34° 45' 6.7068'' E. The elevation of Kakamega is 1561.129, the time zone is Africa/Kampala.

Elevation1561.129DMS Lat0° 16' 57.8316'' N
DMS Lng34° 45' 6.7068'' EGeoHASHsb09wg3x10ghn
UTM Zone36NUTM Easting694966.383076227
UTM Northing31264.8739895085Time ZoneAfrica/Kampala
CountryKenyaCountry Code254