GPS Coordinate of

Kaolack Senegal

Central address: Kaolack-Diourbel Rd, Kaolack, Senegal

Elevation: 10.448
Time Zone: Africa/Dakar

Latitude: 14° 9' 54.7488'' N
Longitude: 16° 4' 32.79'' W

Kaolack (Kawlax in Wolof) is a town of 172,305 people (2002 census) on the north bank of the Saloum River and the N1 road in Senegal. It is the capital of the Kaolack Region, which borders The Gambia to the south. Kaolack is an important regional market town and is Senegal's main peanut trading and processing center. As the center of the Ibrahimiyya branch of the Tijaniyyah Sufi order founded by Ibrayima Ñas, it is also a major center of Islamic education. The leona niassene mosque (right) in Kaolack is one of the largest and best known in Senegal.

GPS coordinate of Kaolack, Senegal

The latitude of Kaolack is 14.165208, and the longitude is -16.075775. Kaolack is a city is located at Senegal with the gps coordinates of 14° 9' 54.7488'' N and 16° 4' 32.79'' W. The elevation of Kaolack is 10.448, the time zone is Africa/Dakar.

Elevation10.448DMS Lat14° 9' 54.7488'' N
DMS Lng16° 4' 32.79'' WGeoHASHeds8d4tyr61m5
UTM Zone28PUTM Easting383903.110038232
UTM Northing1566264.58200053Time ZoneAfrica/Dakar
CountrySenegalCountry Code221