Central address: Skra, Krinides 640 03, Greece
Elevation: 107.739
Time Zone: Europe/Sofia
Latitude: 41° 0' 59.904'' N
Longitude: 24° 17' 49.4664'' E
The latitude of Krinídes is 41.016640, and the longitude is 24.297074. Krinídes is a city is located at Greece with the gps coordinates of 41° 0' 59.904'' N and 24° 17' 49.4664'' E. The elevation of Krinídes is 107.739, the time zone is Europe/Sofia.
Latitude | 41.016640 | Longitude | 24.297074 |
Elevation | 107.739 | DMS Lat | 41° 0' 59.904'' N |
DMS Lng | 24° 17' 49.4664'' E | GeoHASH | sx332fue4zgkp |
UTM Zone | 35T | UTM Easting | 272724.785932786 |
UTM Northing | 4544123.88223747 | Time Zone | Europe/Sofia |
Country | Greece | Country Code | 30 |