Central address: Södra Kyrkogatan 2, 532 30 Skara, Sweden
Elevation: 121.000
Time Zone: Europe/Stockholm
Latitude: 58° 23' 9.6468'' N
Longitude: 13° 26' 21.5808'' E
The latitude of Kungsbacka Skene is 58.386013, and the longitude is 13.439328. Kungsbacka Skene is a city is located at Sweden with the gps coordinates of 58° 23' 9.6468'' N and 13° 26' 21.5808'' E. The elevation of Kungsbacka Skene is 121.000, the time zone is Europe/Stockholm.
Latitude | 58.386013 | Longitude | 13.439328 |
Elevation | 121.000 | DMS Lat | 58° 23' 9.6468'' N |
DMS Lng | 13° 26' 21.5808'' E | GeoHASH | u63s1uf5pj9mb |
UTM Zone | 33V | UTM Easting | 408749.953272688 |
UTM Northing | 6472745.60386558 | Time Zone | Europe/Stockholm |
Country | Sweden | Country Code | 46 |