GPS Coordinate of

Kylmäkoski Finland

Central address: Haavistontie 2, 37910 Akaa, Finland

Elevation: 97.442
Time Zone: Europe/Helsinki

Latitude: 61° 9' 1.9224'' N
Longitude: 23° 41' 24.5292'' E

Kylmäkoski is a former municipality of Finland. It was consolidated with the town of Akaa on January 1, 2011.

GPS coordinate of Kylmäkoski, Finland

The latitude of Kylmäkoski is 61.150534, and the longitude is 23.690147. Kylmäkoski is a city is located at Finland with the gps coordinates of 61° 9' 1.9224'' N and 23° 41' 24.5292'' E. The elevation of Kylmäkoski is 97.442, the time zone is Europe/Helsinki.

Elevation97.442DMS Lat61° 9' 1.9224'' N
DMS Lng23° 41' 24.5292'' EGeoHASHudbggh4esmtzv
UTM Zone34VUTM Easting644781.548400823
UTM Northing6782532.11170947Time ZoneEurope/Helsinki
CountryFinlandCountry Code358