GPS Coordinate of

Malindi Kenya

Central address: Tana St, Malindi, Kenya

Elevation: 7.285
Time Zone: Africa/Nairobi

Latitude: 3° 13' 9.0696'' S
Longitude: 40° 7' 0.8076'' E

Malindi (once known as Melinde) is a town on Malindi Bay at the mouth of the Galana River, lying on the Indian Ocean coast of Kenya. It is 120 kilometres northeast of Mombasa. The population of Malindi was 207,253 as of the 2009 census. It is the largest urban centre in Kilifi County.

GPS coordinate of Malindi, Kenya

The latitude of Malindi is -3.219186, and the longitude is 40.116891. Malindi is a city is located at Kenya with the gps coordinates of 3° 13' 9.0696'' S and 40° 7' 0.8076'' E. The elevation of Malindi is 7.285, the time zone is Africa/Nairobi.

Elevation7.285DMS Lat3° 13' 9.0696'' S
DMS Lng40° 7' 0.8076'' EGeoHASHkzkt8vunzk4p8
UTM Zone37MUTM Easting624094.950381336
UTM Northing9644111.09540584Time ZoneAfrica/Nairobi
CountryKenyaCountry Code254