GPS Coordinate of

Mbale Kenya

Central address: Mbale, Nairobi, Kenya

Elevation: 1629.683
Time Zone: Africa/Nairobi

Latitude: 1° 17' 18.7224'' S
Longitude: 36° 51' 22.9428'' E

Mbale is a city in Eastern Region of Uganda. It is the main municipal, administrative, and commercial center of Mbale District and the surrounding sub-region.

GPS coordinate of Mbale, Kenya

The latitude of Mbale is -1.288534, and the longitude is 36.856373. Mbale is a city is located at Kenya with the gps coordinates of 1° 17' 18.7224'' S and 36° 51' 22.9428'' E. The elevation of Mbale is 1629.683, the time zone is Africa/Nairobi.

Elevation1629.683DMS Lat1° 17' 18.7224'' S
DMS Lng36° 51' 22.9428'' EGeoHASHkzf0wtmvxxze6
UTM Zone37MUTM Easting261471.592645639
UTM Northing9857478.10328184Time ZoneAfrica/Nairobi
CountryKenyaCountry Code254