GPS Coordinate of

Mumias Kenya

Central address: Mumias - Bungoma Road, Mumias, Kenya

Elevation: 1317.698
Time Zone: Africa/Kampala

Latitude: 0° 19' 59.5992'' N
Longitude: 34° 29' 15.8712'' E

Mumias is a town in Kakamega County of Kenya. The town has an urban population of 116,358 (2009 census). Mumias was the center of the Mumias District. The town is linked by road to Kakamega (in east), Busia (west), Bungoma (north), Butere (south). The village of Buchinga is located between Mumias and Kakamega.

GPS coordinate of Mumias, Kenya

The latitude of Mumias is 0.333222, and the longitude is 34.487742. Mumias is a city is located at Kenya with the gps coordinates of 0° 19' 59.5992'' N and 34° 29' 15.8712'' E. The elevation of Mumias is 1317.698, the time zone is Africa/Kampala.

Elevation1317.698DMS Lat0° 19' 59.5992'' N
DMS Lng34° 29' 15.8712'' EGeoHASHsb09bu9jnth69
UTM Zone36NUTM Easting665564.162447348
UTM Northing36843.3293321875Time ZoneAfrica/Kampala
CountryKenyaCountry Code254