GPS Coordinate of

Ndibène Dahra Senegal

Central address: Unnamed Road, Dahra, Senegal

Elevation: 39.038
Time Zone: Africa/Dakar

Latitude: 15° 20' 5.5644'' N
Longitude: 15° 28' 29.0604'' W

GPS coordinate of Ndibène Dahra, Senegal

The latitude of Ndibène Dahra is 15.334879, and the longitude is -15.474739. Ndibène Dahra is a city is located at Senegal with the gps coordinates of 15° 20' 5.5644'' N and 15° 28' 29.0604'' W. The elevation of Ndibène Dahra is 39.038, the time zone is Africa/Dakar.

Elevation39.038DMS Lat15° 20' 5.5644'' N
DMS Lng15° 28' 29.0604'' WGeoHASHedszpzeshkwk2
UTM Zone28PUTM Easting449041.697732614
UTM Northing1695421.58700602Time ZoneAfrica/Dakar
CountrySenegalCountry Code221