GPS Coordinate of

Néa Smýrni Greece

Central address: Korai 16, Nea Smirni 171 22, Greece

Elevation: 36.615
Time Zone: Europe/Athens

Latitude: 37° 56' 39.4368'' N
Longitude: 23° 42' 42.3216'' E

Nea Smyrni (Greek: Νέα Σμύρνη, Néa Smýrni, "New Smyrna") is a municipality and a southern suburb of Athens, Greece. At the 2011 census, it had 73,076 inhabitants. It was named after the city Smyrna (today's İzmir in Turkey), from where a large number of refugees arrived and settled in the Nea Smyrni area following the 1922 population exchange between Greece and Turkey.

GPS coordinate of Néa Smýrni, Greece

The latitude of Néa Smýrni is 37.944288, and the longitude is 23.711756. Néa Smýrni is a city is located at Greece with the gps coordinates of 37° 56' 39.4368'' N and 23° 42' 42.3216'' E. The elevation of Néa Smýrni is 36.615, the time zone is Europe/Athens.

Elevation36.615DMS Lat37° 56' 39.4368'' N
DMS Lng23° 42' 42.3216'' EGeoHASHsw8zged37zyy2
UTM Zone34SUTM Easting738287.177759015
UTM Northing4203102.74440043Time ZoneEurope/Athens
CountryGreeceCountry Code30