GPS Coordinate of

Neiafu Tonga

Central address: Kasete Rd, Neiafu, Tonga

Elevation: 34.123
Time Zone: Pacific/Tongatapu

Latitude: 18° 38' 51.6408'' S
Longitude: 173° 59' 1.266'' W

Neiafu is the name of several places in Polynesia:

GPS coordinate of Neiafu, Tonga

The latitude of Neiafu is -18.647678, and the longitude is -173.983685. Neiafu is a city is located at Tonga with the gps coordinates of 18° 38' 51.6408'' S and 173° 59' 1.266'' W. The elevation of Neiafu is 34.123, the time zone is Pacific/Tongatapu.

Elevation34.123DMS Lat18° 38' 51.6408'' S
DMS Lng173° 59' 1.266'' WGeoHASH2hsmbvkcqkceg
UTM Zone2KUTM Easting185197.974604744
UTM Northing7935532.68653956Time ZonePacific/Tongatapu
CountryTongaCountry Code676