GPS Coordinate of

Nuku'alofa Tonga

Central address: Taufa'ahau Rd, Nuku'alofa, Tonga

Elevation: 7.605
Time Zone: Pacific/Tongatapu

Latitude: 21° 8' 21.6312'' S
Longitude: 175° 12' 17.8092'' W

Nukuʻalofa is the capital of Tonga. It is located on the north coast of the island of Tongatapu, in the southernmost island group of Tonga.

GPS coordinate of Nuku'alofa, Tonga

The latitude of Nuku'alofa is -21.139342, and the longitude is -175.204947. Nuku'alofa is a city is located at Tonga with the gps coordinates of 21° 8' 21.6312'' S and 175° 12' 17.8092'' W. The elevation of Nuku'alofa is 7.605, the time zone is Pacific/Tongatapu.

Elevation7.605DMS Lat21° 8' 21.6312'' S
DMS Lng175° 12' 17.8092'' WGeoHASH2h5rtpewkv49j
UTM Zone1KUTM Easting686406.442861961
UTM Northing7661377.7907562Time ZonePacific/Tongatapu
CountryTongaCountry Code676