GPS Coordinate of

Ol Kalou Kenya

Central address: Gilgil - Nyahururu Rd, Ol Kalou, Kenya

Elevation: 2360.866
Time Zone: Africa/Nairobi

Latitude: 0° 16' 21.7164'' S
Longitude: 36° 22' 39.054'' E

Ol Kalou is a town in Kenya. It is the capital of Nyandarua County of the former Central Province. It is located west of Aberdare range and 40 kilometres east of Nakuru. Ol Kalou is connected by road to Gilgil, Nyahururu and Nakuru. Ol Kalou forms a town council with a population of 47,795, of whom 15,186 are classified urban (1999 census ).

GPS coordinate of Ol Kalou, Kenya

The latitude of Ol Kalou is -0.272699, and the longitude is 36.377515. Ol Kalou is a city is located at Kenya with the gps coordinates of 0° 16' 21.7164'' S and 36° 22' 39.054'' E. The elevation of Ol Kalou is 2360.866, the time zone is Africa/Nairobi.

Elevation2360.866DMS Lat0° 16' 21.7164'' S
DMS Lng36° 22' 39.054'' EGeoHASHkzcy7y373t1pj
UTM Zone37MUTM Easting208084.291507566
UTM Northing9969826.6408167Time ZoneAfrica/Nairobi
CountryKenyaCountry Code254