Central address: Ul.8 Marta, Rudny 111500, Kazakhstan
Elevation: 168.880
Time Zone: Asia/Qyzylorda
Latitude: 52° 58' 18.6348'' N
Longitude: 63° 6' 46.1988'' E
The latitude of Rudnyy is 52.971843, and the longitude is 63.112833. Rudnyy is a city is located at Kazakhstan with the gps coordinates of 52° 58' 18.6348'' N and 63° 6' 46.1988'' E. The elevation of Rudnyy is 168.880, the time zone is Asia/Qyzylorda.
Latitude | 52.971843 | Longitude | 63.112833 |
Elevation | 168.880 | DMS Lat | 52° 58' 18.6348'' N |
DMS Lng | 63° 6' 46.1988'' E | GeoHASH | v3kvk5jr7e5pv |
UTM Zone | 41U | UTM Easting | 507576.987610708 |
UTM Northing | 5869143.92379822 | Time Zone | Asia/Qyzylorda |
Country | Kazakhstan | Country Code | 7 |