GPS Coordinate of

Sankt Gallen Switzerland

Central address: Schmiedgasse 2, 9000 St. Gallen, Switzerland

Elevation: 670.195
Time Zone: Europe/Zurich

Latitude: 47° 25' 28.1352'' N
Longitude: 9° 22' 36.1812'' E

Sankt Gallen may refer to:

GPS coordinate of Sankt Gallen, Switzerland

The latitude of Sankt Gallen is 47.424482, and the longitude is 9.376717. Sankt Gallen is a city is located at Switzerland with the gps coordinates of 47° 25' 28.1352'' N and 9° 22' 36.1812'' E. The elevation of Sankt Gallen is 670.195, the time zone is Europe/Zurich.

Elevation670.195DMS Lat47° 25' 28.1352'' N
DMS Lng9° 22' 36.1812'' EGeoHASHu0qtv37gtk4yq
UTM Zone32TUTM Easting528412.719360903
UTM Northing5252405.57339465Time ZoneEurope/Zurich
CountrySwitzerlandCountry Code41