GPS Coordinate of

Santa Clara Cuba

Central address: Unnamed Road, Santa Clara, Cuba

Elevation: 102.953
Time Zone: America/Havana

Latitude: 22° 25' 27.8328'' N
Longitude: 79° 56' 29.958'' W

Santa Clara (Portuguese and Spanish for Saint Clair or Saint Claire) may refer to:

GPS coordinate of Santa Clara, Cuba

The latitude of Santa Clara is 22.424398, and the longitude is -79.941655. Santa Clara is a city is located at Cuba with the gps coordinates of 22° 25' 27.8328'' N and 79° 56' 29.958'' W. The elevation of Santa Clara is 102.953, the time zone is America/Havana.

Elevation102.953DMS Lat22° 25' 27.8328'' N
DMS Lng79° 56' 29.958'' WGeoHASHd5zpsfhr86v8s
UTM Zone17QUTM Easting608920.16746041
UTM Northing2480187.08011701Time ZoneAmerica/Havana
CountryCubaCountry Code53