GPS Coordinate of

Santa Maria Brazil

Central address: R. Venâncio Aires, 1110 - Bom Fim, Santa Maria - RS, 97010-003, Brazil

Elevation: 126.344
Time Zone: America/Sao_Paulo

Latitude: 29° 41' 14.1'' S
Longitude: 53° 48' 55.62'' W

Santé María (with diacritic over the "i") or Santa Maria may refer to:

GPS coordinate of Santa Maria, Brazil

The latitude of Santa Maria is -29.687250, and the longitude is -53.815450. Santa Maria is a city is located at Brazil with the gps coordinates of 29° 41' 14.1'' S and 53° 48' 55.62'' W. The elevation of Santa Maria is 126.344, the time zone is America/Sao_Paulo.

Elevation126.344DMS Lat29° 41' 14.1'' S
DMS Lng53° 48' 55.62'' WGeoHASH6f9xp7sg1pkpc
UTM Zone22JUTM Easting227552.694560988
UTM Northing6712552.1207553Time ZoneAmerica/Sao_Paulo
CountryBrazilCountry Code55