GPS Coordinate of

Sidon Lebanon

Central address: El Madrassa El Mehania, Saida, Lebanon

Elevation: 11.628
Time Zone: Asia/Beirut

Latitude: 33° 33' 25.4484'' N
Longitude: 35° 22' 22.6128'' E

Sidon (Arabic: صيدا‎, صيدون, Ṣaydā; French: Saida; Phoenician:

GPS coordinate of Sidon, Lebanon

The latitude of Sidon is 33.557069, and the longitude is 35.372948. Sidon is a city is located at Lebanon with the gps coordinates of 33° 33' 25.4484'' N and 35° 22' 22.6128'' E. The elevation of Sidon is 11.628, the time zone is Asia/Beirut.

Elevation11.628DMS Lat33° 33' 25.4484'' N
DMS Lng35° 22' 22.6128'' EGeoHASHsvcnuuvu17j9z
UTM Zone36SUTM Easting720292.291477674
UTM Northing3715569.02266461Time ZoneAsia/Beirut
CountryLebanonCountry Code961