Central address: 492 Eupnae-dong, Sosan, Chungcheongnam-do, South Korea
Elevation: 40.622
Time Zone: Asia/Seoul
Latitude: 36° 47' 4.1964'' N
Longitude: 126° 27' 1.1412'' E
The latitude of Suisan is 36.784499, and the longitude is 126.450317. Suisan is a city is located at South Korea with the gps coordinates of 36° 47' 4.1964'' N and 126° 27' 1.1412'' E. The elevation of Suisan is 40.622, the time zone is Asia/Seoul.
Latitude | 36.784499 | Longitude | 126.450317 |
Elevation | 40.622 | DMS Lat | 36° 47' 4.1964'' N |
DMS Lng | 126° 27' 1.1412'' E | GeoHASH | wy9cm2qm1zw79 |
UTM Zone | 52S | UTM Easting | 272479.451530925 |
UTM Northing | 4073999.2227097 | Time Zone | Asia/Seoul |
Country | South Korea | Country Code | 82 |