GPS Coordinate of

Tambacounda Senegal

Central address: Boulevard Kandioura Noba, Tambacounda, Senegal

Elevation: 37.788
Time Zone: Africa/Dakar

Latitude: 13° 46' 21.3204'' N
Longitude: 13° 40' 15.6216'' W

Tambacounda is the largest city in eastern Senegal, 400 kilometres (250 mi) southeast of Dakar, and is the regional capital of the province of the same name. Its estimated population in 2007 was 78,800.

GPS coordinate of Tambacounda, Senegal

The latitude of Tambacounda is 13.772589, and the longitude is -13.671006. Tambacounda is a city is located at Senegal with the gps coordinates of 13° 46' 21.3204'' N and 13° 40' 15.6216'' W. The elevation of Tambacounda is 37.788, the time zone is Africa/Dakar.

Elevation37.788DMS Lat13° 46' 21.3204'' N
DMS Lng13° 40' 15.6216'' WGeoHASHedqq2gjp4kxjd
UTM Zone28PUTM Easting643670.169668949
UTM Northing1522972.85403069Time ZoneAfrica/Dakar
CountrySenegalCountry Code221