GPS Coordinate of

Taubaté Brazil

Central address: R. Joaquim Távora, 167-177 - Centro, Taubaté - SP, Brazil

Elevation: 582.262
Time Zone: America/Sao_Paulo

Latitude: 23° 1' 13.6416'' S
Longitude: 45° 33' 22.878'' W

Taubaté is a medium-sized city in the State of São Paulo, in southeastern Brazil.

GPS coordinate of Taubaté, Brazil

The latitude of Taubaté is -23.020456, and the longitude is -45.556355. Taubaté is a city is located at Brazil with the gps coordinates of 23° 1' 13.6416'' S and 45° 33' 22.878'' W. The elevation of Taubaté is 582.262, the time zone is America/Sao_Paulo.

Elevation582.262DMS Lat23° 1' 13.6416'' S
DMS Lng45° 33' 22.878'' WGeoHASH6gzt536b5gzxh
UTM Zone23KUTM Easting442991.348520534
UTM Northing7454107.0752182Time ZoneAmerica/Sao_Paulo
CountryBrazilCountry Code55