Central address: Unnamed Road, Thiès, Senegal
Elevation: 86.425
Time Zone: Africa/Dakar
Latitude: 14° 46' 44.5116'' N
Longitude: 16° 57' 50.04'' W
The latitude of Thiès Nones is 14.779031, and the longitude is -16.963900. Thiès Nones is a city is located at Senegal with the gps coordinates of 14° 46' 44.5116'' N and 16° 57' 50.04'' W. The elevation of Thiès Nones is 86.425, the time zone is Africa/Dakar.
Latitude | 14.779031 | Longitude | -16.963900 |
Elevation | 86.425 | DMS Lat | 14° 46' 44.5116'' N |
DMS Lng | 16° 57' 50.04'' W | GeoHASH | edeujfrq07p3g |
UTM Zone | 28P | UTM Easting | 288614.574909998 |
UTM Northing | 1634810.37176119 | Time Zone | Africa/Dakar |
Country | Senegal | Country Code | 221 |