GPS Coordinate of

Ulsteinvik weather Norway

Central address: Vikemarkhøgda, 6065 Ulsteinvik, Norway

Elevation: 144.190
Time Zone: Europe/Oslo

Latitude: 62° 20' 49.4736'' N
Longitude: 5° 51' 43.5708'' E

GPS coordinate of Ulsteinvik weather, Norway

The latitude of Ulsteinvik weather is 62.347076, and the longitude is 5.862103. Ulsteinvik weather is a city is located at Norway with the gps coordinates of 62° 20' 49.4736'' N and 5° 51' 43.5708'' E. The elevation of Ulsteinvik weather is 144.190, the time zone is Europe/Oslo.

Elevation144.190DMS Lat62° 20' 49.4736'' N
DMS Lng5° 51' 43.5708'' EGeoHASHu5h4tmuwhckg1
UTM Zone32VUTM Easting337564.287710527
UTM Northing6916787.55284268Time ZoneEurope/Oslo
CountryNorwayCountry Code47