GPS Coordinate of

Wajir Kenya

Central address: Isiolo - Mandera Rd, Wajir, Kenya

Elevation: 257.959
Time Zone: Africa/Nairobi

Latitude: 1° 44' 55.8204'' N
Longitude: 40° 3' 31.0788'' E

Wajir (Somali: Wajeer) is the capital of the Wajir County of Kenya. It is situated in the former North Eastern Province.

GPS coordinate of Wajir, Kenya

The latitude of Wajir is 1.748839, and the longitude is 40.058633. Wajir is a city is located at Kenya with the gps coordinates of 1° 44' 55.8204'' N and 40° 3' 31.0788'' E. The elevation of Wajir is 257.959, the time zone is Africa/Nairobi.

Elevation257.959DMS Lat1° 44' 55.8204'' N
DMS Lng40° 3' 31.0788'' EGeoHASHsbk3zw3g9z1wy
UTM Zone37NUTM Easting617751.243924932
UTM Northing193333.169790367Time ZoneAfrica/Nairobi
CountryKenyaCountry Code254