GPS Coordinate of

Witbank South Africa

Central address: Sneeuberg St, Modelpark, Emalahleni, 1034, South Africa

Elevation: 1519.809
Time Zone: Africa/Johannesburg

Latitude: 25° 52' 22.0152'' S
Longitude: 29° 15' 19.1628'' E

Witbank is a city situated on the Highveld of Mpumalanga, South Africa, within the eMalahleni Local Municipality. The name Witbank is Afrikaans for White Ridge and is named after a white sandstone outcrop where wagon transport drivers rested. The city is known for the coal-mining in the surrounding region.

GPS coordinate of Witbank, South Africa

The latitude of Witbank is -25.872782, and the longitude is 29.255323. Witbank is a city is located at South Africa with the gps coordinates of 25° 52' 22.0152'' S and 29° 15' 19.1628'' E. The elevation of Witbank is 1519.809, the time zone is Africa/Johannesburg.

Elevation1519.809DMS Lat25° 52' 22.0152'' S
DMS Lng29° 15' 19.1628'' EGeoHASHkekucdp047vgt
UTM Zone35JUTM Easting725986.10616842
UTM Northing7136463.31331463Time ZoneAfrica/Johannesburg
CountrySouth AfricaCountry Code27