Central address: 18 778, Yanahuanca, Peru
Elevation: 3167.721
Time Zone: America/Lima
Latitude: 10° 29' 28.1292'' S
Longitude: 76° 30' 56.0988'' W
Yanahuanca is a town in central Peru, capital of the province Daniel Alcídes Carrión in the region Pasco.
The latitude of Yanahuanca is -10.491147, and the longitude is -76.515583. Yanahuanca is a city is located at Peru with the gps coordinates of 10° 29' 28.1292'' S and 76° 30' 56.0988'' W. The elevation of Yanahuanca is 3167.721, the time zone is America/Lima.
Latitude | -10.491147 | Longitude | -76.515583 |
Elevation | 3167.721 | DMS Lat | 10° 29' 28.1292'' S |
DMS Lng | 76° 30' 56.0988'' W | GeoHASH | 6q1s6f5h9sqn6 |
UTM Zone | 18L | UTM Easting | 334136.552961336 |
UTM Northing | 8839883.91683007 | Time Zone | America/Lima |
Country | Peru | Country Code | 51 |