Central address: N 4, Zinjibar, Yemen
Elevation: 18.261
Time Zone: Asia/Aden
Latitude: 13° 8' 6.0756'' N
Longitude: 45° 23' 19.104'' E
The latitude of Zmjibar is 13.135021, and the longitude is 45.388640. Zmjibar is a city is located at Yemen with the gps coordinates of 13° 8' 6.0756'' N and 45° 23' 19.104'' E. The elevation of Zmjibar is 18.261, the time zone is Asia/Aden.
Latitude | 13.135021 | Longitude | 45.388640 |
Elevation | 18.261 | DMS Lat | 13° 8' 6.0756'' N |
DMS Lng | 45° 23' 19.104'' E | GeoHASH | t4268z4vpcqur |
UTM Zone | 38P | UTM Easting | 542122.043100394 |
UTM Northing | 1452099.61751613 | Time Zone | Asia/Aden |
Country | Yemen | Country Code | 967 |